The French Federation of European Cultural Routes (FFECR)
Cultural Routes go through the French territory, crossroads of European ways. These Routes illustrate the ebb and flow on which is based the history of our continent.
Some of these routes gathered in a federation in May 2010, supported by the outline agreement of the French Ministries for Culture and for Tourism whose 9th article highlights the cultural routes as tools for territorial development.
Nowadays, the French Federation of European Cultural Routes gathers both Routes awarded by the Council of Europe and other Routes that respect its charter of values.
Three main objectives
The FFECR aims at :
- raising awareness of the European cultural identity and citizenship, based on a set of shared values ;, fondées sur un ensemble de valeurs communes ;
- fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue ;
- preserving cultural and natural, tangible and intangible heritage as a factor of sustainable development.
The FFECR works on different levels
- it gathers cultural routes crossing France to make them more visible ;
- it works with national public authorities and bodies for the implementation of common projects ;
- it works on the creation of ways « European cultural routes » ; ;
- it bases its action on ICT tools ;
- it offers a different, various and intelligent cultural tourism to the public.